06 February, 2011


“Cow slaughter is repugnant to the culture of this country. The provision of drinking warer to the people and putting an end to the killing of animals for food are two prime needs for the country to regain its pristine glory, VIOLENCE IN ANY FORM IS EVIL AND TO KILL INNOCENT ANIMALS IS NOTHING OTHER THAN BLATANT SAVAGERY. “
Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

India’s “HOLY COW”
Originally, in India, milk was not the most important product from the cattle. Cows and bulls were used in fields and their dung and urine were used to make compost, medicine and other health products. Only the little extra milk left from the cow after feeding her calf was used by the family who owned the cow.
At present the cows/cattle are reduced to production units for milk and meat. Cow slaughter is more and more accepted and practiced in spite of it being illegal in India.
According to the Animal Laws in India, cows cannot be slaughtered.  The practice of slaughter is extremely cruel and a disaster for the community and its agriculture-based economy.
Our aim is to restore the partnership between humans and cows
Our long-term objective is to put an end to all slaughter of cattle and to improve the conditions of local farmers through sustainable agriculture/organic farming and the use of all cow by- products.(not milk)

The Andhra Pradesh prohibition of cow slaughter and Animal Preservation Act 1977
(11 of1977) An act to provide for the prohibition of slaughter of cows,, calves of cows and calves of she buffaloes and for preservation .........
....no person shall slaughter or cause to be slaughtered, or offer or cause to be offered for slaughter, or otherwise intentionally kill, or offer, or cause to be offered for killing any cow or calf, whether male or female, or a she-buffalo.


Our history in cattle rescue:

Since 2002, Karuna Society has rescued over 500 cattle from illegal transport to slaughterhouses.
Since 2003, more than 200 rescued working bulls have been given for adoption to the local farmers under strict legal conditions.
We stopped the illegal cattle market at Gorantla, where there was no responsible authority. The market had turned into a centre for all illegal cattle trade and cruelty. We had to pay for these actions by an attack on our lives.

The High Court has given permanent custody of 305 cattle rescued by Karuna Society. The remaining cases are under trial.

Cattle Markets

In our rural area there are three cattle markets where all laws regarding loading and treatment are flouted/neglected. Overloading of trucks with cattle for slaughter happens within the premises of cattle markets. The loading is extremely cruel. No action is taken by the police.
Action taken by our organization at the cattle markets is answered by threats to our lives.
There is a vicious circle of reproduction/breeding and slaughter in which the farmers and the animals are losers; the slaughterhouses and the “powers that be” are the winners.
The consequences of the above are the loss of indigenous cattle wealth, which are drought and disease resistant, very useful for agricultural work and the production of valuable uncontaminated manure for compost and many byproducts. Slaughter can be completely avoided.
It is our experience that the rescue of cattle from the markets does nothing to change the system. It is only struggling uphill with heavy setbacks as there is no political will to change the cruel practice. The following week the same market continues, and although individual animal lives are saved by the rescue, we have no funds to maintain these animals. Their upkeep is difficult in our area with annual drought. In summer we have to keep our cattle inside and feed them grass and feed mix till the rains

Adoption of Indian working bulls to Local Farmers:

We are concentrating on the Indian Zebu cattle under our care and we are planning to give young healthy bulls, castrated, to the local farmer for adoption under legal conditions and payment of a refundable security.
When the animal being returned after hopefully many years of service, the farmer will receive back his initial amount. The cows will stay at Karuna as we do not want to give cows with offspring for milking to the local people as they will resort to old malpractices.
In the course of time, there will be more and more Karuna bulls in the villages, less and less bulls can be sent to slaughter as they have to be returned to Karuna.
We will starve the local cattle market of animals instead of fighting the butchers. At the same time we will have influence on the local farmers and we can get them more involved in organic farming, proper composting, biogas production etc. and hopefully waste management. (see Kindness farm)
For all our animals we will provide medical care.

To initiate the change!


Patron; Philip Wollen



India is famous for the concept of the “Holy Cow”, “Karuna’s Holy Cow” is not a religious concept. For us the holy cow is that local, original animal, working alongside the farmer, producing food for people; rice, peanuts, pulses, and much more. This cow will not be milked, she feeds her calves. She will not go for slaughter. The bulls are working in the field and pull the bullock cart. All will live out their life with respect.

This picture is more and more disrupted by demand for more milk, animal husbandry programs, buffalo production for milk, meat and leather, under influence from abroad. Slaughter brings in money. Old farm practices are forgotten, Composting turns into garbage heaps. Original seeds are not anymore available. Pig genes are used for vegetable hybrid seeds. The destruction is endless.

This composting system will not provide any bacterial activity in the soil to free all the necessary nutrition for the crops. It will only cause chemical pollution

At present the dairy farms sell their waste to big agricultural lands and vermi compost producers. The same happens with the chicken waste. It is ploughed in the soil and that is the soil on which our vegan/vegetarian food is grown. The subtle energy of suffering, abuse and neglect will be absorbed by the plants in your food.

Hormones, antibiotics and chemicals will do the rest to destroy your health and without knowing we are part of a system we want to change.

Normally, certified organic produce is not necessarily cruelty/slaughter free, because nobody thinks about the source of the compost and urine used for natural fertilizer and pesticide. Manure and urine taken from local farmers or dairy farms is certainly not cruelty free nor slaughter free and most probably contaminated with hormones, antibiotics and adulterated feed residue.
Our organic produce is not just organic but it has the additional value of animal welfare and slaughter free products.
The  importance of the Indian “Holy Cow” becomes crystal clear in this context and also shows the meaning of ‘sathwic’ food, which provides physical, mental and spiritual  welbeing.

To produce healthy food, good for people, animals and earth alike we need not only the existence of the holy cow but we also need their “Holy Shit!!” unpolluted by stress, cruelty and fear of death.

We ask for special attention, protection, support and appreciation of these animals,  their owners and the byproducts from the dung and urine for Ayurvedic medicine.
Our lives, mentally, physically and even morally, depend on the quality of the food which is produced with their support.
We would like to know if there are still farmers (not NGO's) who produce food with the holy animal and the holy shit. If they exist, we need to support them and value them separate from bio-industry.
Organic faming with compost and other byproducts from animals whose integrity is not destroyed; that is the need of the hour for our survival.


Organic farming and the love for Indian cattle

Thanks to a generous donation of Phillip Wollen we have been able to buy agricultural land next to the existing Cattle Rescue Project.
At present there is no electricity but we have fenced the area. We have harvested our first peanuts and dahl.
We hope to find the finances to have a solar and/or biogas electric connection for the first bore well and fencing, a platform and shed for harvesting. Then we will start irrigating 3 to 5 acres for growing green fodder for animal feed. The rest of the land will be used for dry crops along with plantation of fruit trees.
In the near future, the new Kindness Wildlife Sanctuary will also find its place here on app. 10 acres.

Rescued Cattle at Karuna’s Kindness farm

As we have become more aware of animal rights we need to specify the rights of our rescue cattle. We feel that from the time of domestication there has been an equally beneficial bond of generosity and friendship between humans and cows for the sake of survival, food production, medicine and mutual well being. This relationship has slowly deteriorated to misuse of power and their abuse/exploitation for profit.

The rights of cattle at Karuna’s “Kindness Farm”
  •         Protection
  •         Sufficient food
  •        Free movement
  •       Grazing
  •        Sunlight
  •        The cow will feed her own calf sufficiently
  •        Extra feed in case of milking
  •       Medical care
  •       Natural death.

Buffaloes at Karuna:

At Karuna, beside the local cattle, we have also rescued buffaloes. Buffaloes are not used in this area for agriculture but only for milk and meat. At present we have more than 50 young male buffaloes, born here. The males are not used for work so they have to stay with us for life.  Local farmers use their male buffaloes for animal sacrifice or simply slaughter them in the field or send them to the market.

We have decided not to continue with the milk from buffaloes as we have to look after the male calves for life and the animals are not useful for this area. We have castrated all male buffaloes in the herd.

Nevertheless, we will still accept rescued buffaloes in our project. At least we can save their lives.

In our organic garden

Leafy Vegetables:
  • Lettuce
  • Indian Palak
  • Andyvie
  • Chicory
  • Spinach
  • Rukula
  • Basil 
  • Spinach   

  • Onion
  • Beetroot
  • Garlic
  • Peanut
  • Carrots


Pumpkin family:

  • Squash
  • Indian pumpkin
  • Indian zukini
  • Bottle gourd
  • Cucumber 
  • Zukini

  • Basil
  • Dill
  • Parsley
  • Chicory
  • Coriander leaves

Other family:

  • Tomatoes
  • Mangoes
  • Moong

Tea leaves:
  • Tulsi
  • Mint
  • Lemon grass etc.